Thursday, January 17, 2008

Invisible Man- Oppinion

To me the invisible man was a great book to read in this class. The discussion of symbols was very interesting, and it was incredible to think about the amount of time put into making a book where almost everything has figurative and literal meaning. The writing style was ok, I didnt think it was anything unique or amazing. So if I had read this out of class I dont think I would have even finished it, I dont think I would have picked out half of the things that we did in class and that is really what made this book worthwhile to me at all. Even some of the obvious symbols I didnt realize until this was in class so reading this on my own I may have taken it all too literally. I felt also that because there were so so many symbols and everyone in the novel was representitive of something that some characters and scenes seemed akward. The Golden Day scene was needed and important but for some reason it was just strange to me and didnt seem very realistic.


SSNickel said...

I definitely agree with what you said about there being so many symbols that I wouldn't have picked out half of them if I read the book on my own. When I was reading it on my own it just seemed to drag on, but after making the connections and realized that there was a meaning behind everything after discussing it in class, I did appreciate the book a lot more and found it more worthwhile to read.

me said...

I agree that this book would have been extremely difficult to completely digest on my own. I definitely would have missed many of the symbols..there were enough obvious ones but so many subtle ones that it is probably impossible to find them all. I liked the book alot but I felt that Ellison may have put a bit too much emphasis on using symbolism. I felt that some of the scenes were a little bit too in depth with symbols; in some ways an overuse of symbolism may actually have taken away a little bit from the story itself.

allen said...

I agree that there is a ton of symbols used in the novel, but it would make a good book to read again because you would be able to see many of the things that had been missed the first time...if you have time to reread 600 pages... I enjoyed reading the book and seeing the symbols, but some of the symbols that were used were almost too vague and because there were so many I sometimes questioned things being symbols when they may not have been intended to be.

Mr. Klimas said...

If this novel made you consider the way you view people and the world around you, it was worth reading. The symbol/motif analysis is one of the reasons you are in AP lit.